12.15 Research Advisory Board

12.15.1 Function

The Research Advisory Board shall advise and make recommendations to the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer (VPRTT) in matters pertaining to research at Mines. This Advisory Board will be responsible for reviewing, evaluating, and recommending changes to university research practices, infrastructure, and policies, and for helping to communicate their recommendations and other research initiatives to the campus at large. 

12.15.2 Membership

The membership of the Research Advisory Board shall consist of research-active Academic Faculty representing each academic department, as well as one member representing the Faculty Senate.  Additional members from staff and student organizations may be recommended by the VPRTT as needed. 

12.15.3 Method of Operation

The Research Advisory Board, chaired by the VPRTT, shall meet at least once per month. Subcommittees of the Advisory Board will be assembled and tasked by the VPRTT to evaluate and recommend changes to specific research practices, infrastructure, and policies.  In addition to Research Advisory Board members, these subcommittees may include additional members from across campus as needed to address the assigned topic.

12.15.4 Method of Appointment

Research Advisory Board members may be nominated by the Deans and Department Heads and will be appointed by the President based on recommendations from the VPRTT in consultation with the Deans and Department Heads.

12.15.5 Terms of Appointment

Research Advisory Board members shall serve a two-year, renewable term.