12.5 Safety Committee

12.5.1 Function

The Safety Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the safety practices of Mines on a periodic basis and advising the Mines administration regarding issues pertaining to the safety of Mines students, employees, and facilities.  Subcommittees or working groups may be assembled as need arises and as approved by the Safety Committee.

12.5.2 Membership

The appointed membership of the Safety Committee shall consist of one academic department head, four academic faculty members, and two classified employees. Additionally, the President, the Provost, the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer, the Director of Environmental Health and Safety, the Director for Human Resources or a designated representative, the Director of Facilities Management or a designated representative, the Director of Student Life or a designated representative, the Director of Public Safety or a designated representative, and the Radiation Safety Officer shall serve as voting, ex officio committee members. Non-voting members will include Graduate and Undergraduate student representatives. 

12.5.3 Method of Operation

The chairperson of the Safety Committee shall be the Director of Environmental Health and Safety. The committee shall meet upon the call of the chairperson as necessary for the proper handling of its business, but no less often than twice during the fall semester and twice during the spring semester of each academic year.  At least ten members must be present at a meeting to constitute a quorum sufficient to permit the committee to conduct its business.  A majority vote of members present at a meeting shall be required for any action taken at the meeting to constitute an official act of the committee.  The committee shall provide written reports to the Board on its general activities, specific policy recommendations, and other relevant matters from time to time, as appropriate.

All disputed procedural issues that arise regarding the conduct of the meetings of the committee shall be resolved according to the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

12.5.4 Method of Appointment

The academic department head committee member shall be nominated by the Provost and appointed by the President.  The academic faculty committee members shall be nominated by the Faculty Senate and appointed by the President.  The classified employee committee members shall be nominated by the Association of Classified Employees and appointed by the President. The Graduate and Undergraduate Student Governments shall appoint student representatives.

12.5.5 Terms of Appointment

The academic department head committee member shall serve for a one-year term. The academic faculty committee members shall serve for staggered two-year terms. The classified employee committee members shall serve for staggered two-year terms. The undergraduate and graduate student representative shall serve for a one-year term. All terms of appointment to this committee shall be calculated on an academic year basis, rather than on a calendar year basis.