12.6 Student Conduct Appeals Board

12.6.1 Function

The Student Conduct Appeals Board shall exist as a pool of potential members to serve on Student Appeal Committees as needed. However, grade appeals, residency appeals and appeals related to research misconduct are handled through separate processes.

12.6.2 Membership

The appointed membership of the Student Conduct Appeals Board shall consists of four academic faculty members, two administrative faculty members, two state classified personnel system members, three undergraduate students and three graduate students. Additionally, the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students shall serve as the chairperson of the committee (a voting, ex officio committee member). 

12.6.3 Method of Operation

Members of the Appeals Board shall meet upon the call of the chairperson as necessary for the proper handling of appeals related to student conduct and academic misconduct matters. The board members will receive training from the Office of Student Life on issues related to student conduct and academic misconduct throughout the year. As needed, a group of board members will be selected by the chairperson, based on diversity of representation and availability, to serve with the chairperson on a Student Appeals Committee. A majority vote of the Committee members present shall be required for any action to be taken. In the case of a tie, the chairperson will cast the deciding vote.

12.6.4 Method of Appointment

The academic faculty board members shall be nominated by the Dean of Students. The administrative faculty board members shall be nominated by the Administrative Faculty Council. The state classified board members shall be nominated by the Association of Classified Employees. The undergraduate student board members shall be nominated by the Undergraduate Student Government. The graduate student board members shall be nominated by the Graduate Student Government. All nominations shall be officially appointed by the President.    

12.6.5 Terms of Appointment

The two academic faculty board members shall serve for staggered two-year terms. The two administrative faculty board members shall serve for staggered two-year terms. The two state classified board members shall serve for staggered two-year terms. The three undergraduate student board members shall serve for one-year terms. The three graduate student board members shall serve for one year terms. All terms of appointment to the board shall be calculated on an academic year basis, rather than on a calendar year basis and are renewable for one additional term.